Papad Paneer Fritters Recipe
- by Yelena Bred
- March 18, 2024
- 0
- 259
Papad Paneer Fritters Recipe
Chilli-garlic stuffed paneer, dipped in batter and coated with coarsely ground papad, deep fried till crisp. Serve these hot to thoroughly enjoy the contrasting paneer and papad flavours.
A perfect snack for entertaining! Provide wooden or plastic picks to pick up the paneer fritters.
1. Slice the paneer cubes into 2 halves. Keep aside.
2. Apply a little garlic chutney on ½ of the paneer cubes. Sandwich with the remaining paneer.
3. Grind the papads in a blender to a powder. Keep aside.
4. Combine the flour with salt and ¼ cup of water to make a thin batter.
5. Coat the sandwiched paneer cubes with the flour batter and then roll them in powdered papad and keep aside.
6. Heat oil in a kadai and deep fry a few paneer pieces at a time, till golden brown in colour.
7. Drain on absorbent paper.
8. Serve hot.
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