Milanese Sun Dried Tomato Risotto Recipe
The mention of Milan produces immediate thoughts of the wonderful risotto named after the city.
Risottos are best made using a special kind of Italian rice called “arborio” which is cooked with stock, garlic and a wide variety of other ingredients.
The trick to prepare a perfect risotto is slow cooking of rice and judicious stirring.
Arborio Rice or long grained rice: 1 cup
Garlic, finely chopped: 2 cloves
Onion, finely chopped: 1 medium
White wine (optional): 1/2 cup
Seasoning: 1 cup
Broccoli, cut into small florets: 1 cup
Sun-dried tomatoes, soaked and thinly sliced: 1/4 cup
Dried oregano: 1 teaspoon
Chilli flakes: 1 teaspoon
Grated cheese: 1/4 cup
Cream: 2 tablespoons
Butter: 2 tablespoons
Salt: to taste
Most of our recipes are low-carb (or keto) and gluten-free, but some are not. Please verify that a recipe fits your needs before using it. Recommended and linked products are not guaranteed to be gluten-free. Nutrition info is approximate and the carb count excludes non-nutritive sweeteners. Nutrition info may contain errors, so please verify it independently. Recipes may contain errors, so please use your common sense when following them.
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